Now, I am sure that Ray Liotta is a lovely man. I've never heard a single bad thing about him that I can recall. I understand that actors are not the parts they play, but gha, I hate Ray Liotta*.
Really, the problem is, he is apparently too good of an actor... and the first movie I saw him in was Unlawful Entry. I just can't get over it. Especially since he is a character actor and plays the same icky bad guy all the time. Even when he is not playing the bad guy... he is still the bad guy to me.
Kinda like Sam Rockwell and Craig T. Nelson (Poltergeist 2 ruined him for me).
* In movies, I hate him in movies. It's not like I would spit on him and shove him into traffic if I ever met him. It is only on the screen that I never ever ever ever EVER want to see him. Except in Identity
I have to say I LOVE "Field of Dreams". That movie came out the summer my dad died and it so reminded me of him. I watch it every chance I get.
ReplyDeleteI think the creepiest role Ray Liotta ever played was himself on Just Shoot Me, where he had an unhealthy yearlong obsession with xmas, and had an apartment that looked like a Santa Claus display at a department store.
ReplyDeleteI am terrified of John Candy. My father says there was a skit on SNL that scared me and it had him in it, but I totally don't remember that, I only know that anything with John Candy gives me a panic attack.
ReplyDeleteRay Liotta is repulsive. I can't stand him either. He's just creepy. He always seems like he's about to molest you. And he looks like he doesn't bathe. *shudder*
ReplyDeleteHe is creepy. I had to look him up and half the pics are like some plastic surgery thing that's really gross. Usually there's at least a few hunky pics of celeberties, not almost all creepy stuff.
ReplyDeleteHe was in operation Dumbo Drop which, and I haven't seen it a while, is really funny.
ReplyDeleteAnd this has nothing to do with Ray Liotta at all but rather llamas. Have you ever seen llamas with hats? Beware, only youtube it is you enjoy a bit of twisted humor. Its really odd.
I have seen Llamas with Hats. Detective Mittens, by the same guy, is my favorite though. =D
ReplyDeleteokay, another Ray Liotta movie you might like him in: Muppets From Space. He was hilarious when he falls in love with...well, I don't want to spoil it for you, you'll just have to find out for yourself (if you're brave enough) :)