Monday, November 7, 2011

Why the long face?

Sometimes, really cheerful people say really inanely stupid things when they should probably not talk.


  1. BAHAHAHAHAHHAAH! OMG, I love you.

  2. AHhahahaha. I have stuff like that too. I always have a funny smartass response to everything that I never say because I am a)too quiet b)too shy and c)too nice.

  3. Hahahahahahaha I'm going to use that from now on. I love you muchly.

  4. OMG. I HATE it when people say that crap. Last week some lady yelled it OUT HER WINDOW as I was crossing the Safeway parking lot. I wanted to punch her right in the face and say, "I suffer from chronic bitchface, bitch!!"

    But instead, I didn't. =)

  5. Why would anyone wear a "cat" sweater in public? and why is that the ones that do are the ones who say that to people? Fab observation. I'm going to use that line next time...if I don't chicken out. :)


    I love this more than words.

  7. I don't know if you should really keep comments like that to yourself, when you could be helping her meet her own fitness goals! Fitness goals she did not know she had, sure, but still: physically fit cheeks! Who wouldn't want that? ;)

  8. That made my morning. Thank you.

  9. Lol ... this is way too funny!!

  10. I'm sorry. I will refrain from being so funny in the future. =P

  11. I hate when people say things like that. What if the person frowning just lost a family member or is concerned with where the socks go when the dryer eats them? It's just rude to ask a person to smile when they have such inner turmoil.


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