Friday, April 29, 2011

Fight or Flight? I choose hiding.

In the event of a zombie apocalypse or an alien attack, I would most likely be toast.  I have a strong survival instinct, that is not a problem, in fact, I think my survival instinct is a little too strong thanks to my neurosis. Instead of gallivanting across fields and shooting zombies in the head when the zeds attack, or coming up with clever ways of infecting aliens with UTIs, I think I would be most inclined to be curled up in a little ball trying not to move or make any sound at all, so as to not attract the attention of anything that might want to eat my brain and/or lay eggs in me to propagate their species. Yes, fortifying and staying put sounds like the best plan for me. And I would need a bathroom nearby at all times.


  1. excellent. i'm with you on keeping facilities nearby!!

  2. I love how you made your husband look like Mr. X from Resident Evil 2, a game that features zombies :D

    It gave me a happy!

  3. I... no, that is really almost exactly what my husband looks like... I mean, he has a nose and isn't a cartoon, but he has that jacket and I'm sure he has a machete around somewhere.

  4. That's actually quite awesome. I'm sure he doesn't bop around and smash through the walls in a steroid induced frenzy though. I think you're safe ;)

  5. You know, it's always important to be prepared for a zombie apocalypse or alien attack. My husband discusses the evolution of zombies regularly and strategizes with friends on how they would handle and outbreak. (...yes, we're all geeks at my house)

  6. I would go Hannibal Lecter on those bastards.

  7. Zombie attack, my worst fear...that and brussel sprouts, which could only have been conjured up by Satan himself.

  8. I would stay put with a bathroom nearby too, the outside world would be too scary to enter into

  9. You should draw some zombie llamas!

    Also - one of my mum's friends found this, and I thought of you immediately:

    Blog banner, perhaps? :D

  10. I'd like to think I'd be all heroic and cavalier, but in reality I'd probably be cowering in the attic peeing myself. Or offering my friends in exchange for my survival because I am that nice.

    Love your blog by the way!

  11. haha... i love the poster behind your husband :) and i really love all the words in the drawing of you... especially 'stop moving asshole'

  12. Your living room looks like my bedroom... complete with seating and lava lamp. (and, yes, our draperies are a boarded-up window pattern!)

    xoxoxo, cd

  13. I didn't realize you were married to Sir Sean Connery.

  14. At first I thought you had simply copied the cartoon and just changed the word balloon because the lava lamp hadn't changed, but then I noticed that the eyebrows were different, at that point I knew you really cared. Then I realized it was probably justa really slow lava lamp or it cycles very repeatedly.

  15. I've always been super afraid of zombie. But, did you know that the human jaw does not have the force to bite through the human skull? So, if zombie did exist, they would not be able to bite through your head to eat your brains. They'd need like a bat or something to crack it open first ;)


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