Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Cake continues to be a lie.

Yes, I'm alive. Thank you for checking on me.  I went for a three-hour cruise on the S.S. F.U.NABLAPOMO and after several days of getting stranded on the isle of Mai Intestines Haight Me with the professor and Mary Ann, I am back.

And now that I can tentatively keep food down again, my body delivered the following message via twitter:

"I think I'd like Pepperidge Farm vanilla cake with chocolate frosting for breakfast. I don't have any but that's what my body wants."

Well, I mean, I wrote that, I don't have some internal twitterater, but it was a direct message from my body.

So I set out to find my precious Pepperidge Farm Golden 3-Layer Cake, directly.

And then, 4 hours later:


Seriously, this town is like a black hole of things that JRose wants to eat.

And yes, I am aware that I can ask my store to order things, but that doesn't put the cake in my mouth when I want it... which is now.


  1. Alas, another delicious looking treat that I cannot have, as an Australian I will never see this cake on our shores, simply because of the trans fat :(

  2. That is the saddest thing I have ever heard. Trans fat is delicious! I seriously wish I had money so I could afford to send you a care package of fatty fatty treats.

  3. I've never heard of this pepperidge farm cake! Though golden cake with chocolate icing is my FAVORITE kind.

  4. Haha I love the tweets and that cake looks absolutely wonderful. Mmm, now I want some...

  5. sorry about the cake. it does look delicious! and it always sucks when you don't feel well, and then you think maybe you'd feel slightly better if you could just have _this_ or _that_ and then you can't find it. :( maybe a duncan hines...?

  6. We have now seen the Inner You. It was not pretty. Cake? I'll stick to small doses of Butterfingers and cold milk two percent, they are universally available and delightful, and cheap, maybe a dollar a day for both of them.

  7. @esb- My wonderful delicious cake costs $3.50 for a whole cake (on sale this week)... if only they had the ding danging flavor I wanted. They have EVERY OTHER flavor... just not that ONE.

  8. I am going groc shopping in just a little while, I too will see if I am livin in a deprivation part of the nation. I have to travel an hour one way just to get my Keebler'd Cashew Sandies. Santa may know to get to my spot on the globo but the Elves are confused and directionally challenged.

  9. Oh, I made it to their web site and found out it was in their frozen food section of products, I thought it was going to be something I could mail to you, darn.

  10. That looks super tasty... But I can't eat it anyway... I have a gluten intolerance. So Poop on that...Literally.... because that's what gluten intolerance makes me do.

  11. Borger, TX : zero
    One of our stores had the Three Layer Cakes in Red Velvet, Chocolate Fudge, Lemon, and Coconut.
    The second store had a couple of those, PLUS German Chocolate, Orange Creme, and Vanilla.
    There was not a tag on the shelf for the elusive Golden "child" of the Pepperidge Farm Triples at either store. I will check in Amarillo soon, its more than ten times larger than Borger.

  12. @esb- That is crazy pants. Now, I kinda want to know if they exist ANYWHERE... hrm... I wonder if the cheeseblargians could help.

  13. JRose! There is hope. Whilst at Giant today, in Hyattsville, Maryland, I happened across a Golden 3 Layer Cake in the frozen section. So maybe, if you ask real nice, your store will order some for you...

  14. I now want that cake. I think Publix can be counted upon to deliver, so I'm in luck! But the coconut is delish... unless it's some kind of evil allergen. Which would be an actual tragedy for me.


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