Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I was asked the other day if I have a Tumblr, and I must say, I really enjoy all of the things that Tumblr has to offer--  like GIFs of Evan Peters naked or licking peanut butter off of a blow up doll. Or for blogs like my friend's "Fuck Yeah, Goatse" page (again, if you don't know what Goatse is, don't just go wantonly googling that shit, you need to be prepared for it*),

 or Tard the Grumpy Cat's blog  (holy shit, I cannot get enough of that cat!), 

(source, there ^)

but I don't have a Tumblr account, and I won't because I won't support companies that discriminate against the letter E.

I feel the same way about Flickr, but Yahoo went ahead and set up an account with them without my permission since once upon a time, I had a Yahoo email account and I verge on being an internet hoarder, so I never unregister for sites that sign me up (seriously, still get Netlog notifications... never signed up for it, but I am there, apparently).

I want to know what exactly they have against Es.

Yes, I know the E isn't needed. We don't REALLY pronounce it. But you don't pronounce both of the Es in my name but you don't see me spelling my name Jod.

So I guess what I'm saying, is that unless someone else signs me up for Tumblr, I won't have an account there where I will be forced to waste hours of my life looking at and reblarging pictures of cats and porny gifs.

*Also on the topic of Goatse, after watching this commercial (below) over and over again, I think that Goatse would be an excellent security password picture for a Windows 8 machine.

also, as a reminder, Hanukkah starts in 4 days, and as always, there will be 8 crazy days of me posting horrible/amusing things for you guys! So be there, or one of them will be Goatse.


  1. or The Hawkeye Initiative. (http://thehawkeyeinitiative.tumblr.com)

  2. This might be my favorite blarg to date. I agree with the Tumblr sentiments. I adore the letter E!!!

  3. Maybe it's part of the War on Drugs.

  4. I dont know what goatse is, but all of your warnings have convinced me I can succeed in life without knowing.

    1. I have to wonder how much it would affect you after all you have seen in your line of work... really, this is just me trying to goad you in to looking because it is hilarious to me.

  5. Finally, someone who gets it. Screw Tumblr.

  6. Have you seen Christmas homage to Grumpycat on my blog? You simply must see it.

    And for all of you that goog'd goatse, HAHAHAHAHAHA

    1. I have now. The "Feliz Navidad" one was my favorite.

      I had to warn all y'all twitter followers the other day, after an incident, not to go googling things that freak me out (if you didn't see it) because if it is grossing me out, you can be sure it is REALLY gross. IE. Expect gross things when I give a googling warning. LOL

  7. As a newcomer, I am trying desperately to figure out what your name could possibly be. It's probably Jodee, but I kind of like Joe-De so I'm going with Joe-De.

    1. Here is another post about my name that might help. http://cheeseblarg.blogspot.com/2011/11/bobdee.html



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