Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Detectives Don't Get Surprised.

There is a problem with being a detective.  See, I don't really choose to be a detective all the time, but I am. I pick up little details.  I am aware of my surroundings and listen to what is going on around me.  As such, I have never in my life been surprised when something is supposed to be a surprise. It's kind of sad.  I would like very much to be surprised... positively, I mean.  Jumping out at me and telling me we're getting a divorce or Mom's dead or some other horrible thing is not what I am looking for... but I would be very pleased if some day, someone planned something nice for me, and then was extra special careful to not ever drop any hints in front of me.

See, there was a certain present I wanted.  And I told my husband that if he were to get it for me, I'd like it  to be a surprise, so he shouldn't ask me to order it for myself and he shouldn't tell me he ordered it.  His instructions were to conspire with someone else to get it for me if he could get it so I wouldn't know and could be surprised.

So far, I have been told that Santa would be good to me (yup, I only asked for the one thing), my mom has repeatedly asked me questions about features on the thing I told him I wanted without mentioning the actual item, and the price of the requested present on a credit card bill has been mentioned while I was in earshot.

Maybe someday.

Thanks so much Mr. Narwhal...


  1. Surprise, your mother is playing on the roof!

  2. I just found your blog through Epbot, and I really love it! Reminds me of Hyperbole and a Half. Anyway, this particular entry really hit home with me, because I am the same way. I have never been surprised. I used to find all my Christmas presents when I was a child, and not because I was looking either. Being exceptionally observant is not a friend to surprise.

    Off to read the rest of your archives!


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