Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It's late, do you know where your stomach is?

It has come to my attention that many people don't actually know where their stomach is. Most people who complain of having a stomach ache are not at all talking about their stomachs, but are having intestinal pain (see It's a Gas, Gas, Gas!).  I happen to be an expert on gut pain, so here is a handy dandy graphic for you, so you can identify what part is involved in case you are having pain in your belly area. Of course I am not a doctor, but I spend enough time googling, and hearing about my guts in doctors' offices, that you can trust my anatomical knowledge:

(All of my pictures are bigafiable by clicking them, if you didn't know- and this has been edited to be less funny and more accurate, in case someone decided to refer to a humor blarg in a real emergency. Note, stomach is cartoonized for cuteness.)

I hope that helps.  

But most of all, your guts are not a laughing matter, okay maybe a little bit, but if things start getting weird in there, please see a doctor. And tweet about it, people love hearing about intestinal distress on Twitter.


  1. I am sharing it with someone complaining about his stomach.

  2. I don't know what I'd do without Dr. JoD. Srsly. <3

  3. Your stomach isn't between your lungs x.x That's where your heart lives. Your stomach is just below that though.

  4. I was really trying to draw it under. I blame my intestines for the bad positioning. Listen to what Lori said.

  5. ... your large intestines don't belong there. If that's where they are you need to call a friend because someone has learned how to teleport part of your colan to somewhere else!! I guess I wouldn't have cared a month ago, but I just spent 5 or six hours looking at the large intestines and small intestines and stomach in the last week. So I guess it's my stupid Anatomy and phsiology teachers fault!

  6. Labeling things in paint is harder than it would appear. =P

  7. I have to say that "poop shoot" is my favorite part.

  8. *gets all teary eyed* awe. It's been changed. Just so you know, even though I pointed out that the guts didn't look quite right, I loved it just the way it was! It was special because YOU made it.

  9. @Mel Yes, yes it should be... sometimes homophones get away from me... it is a side effect of the headaches.


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