Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Why you should leave aversion therapy to the professionals.

I hate black pepper. You know, the seasoning, that everyone in the world uses, that makes people sneeze? Yes. I hate it. And I hate it, I realized a few years ago, because I was conditioned, as a child, to hate it.

Here is a pro-tip for you: If you decide that it is a good idea to do DIY aversion therapy on your grandchild to get her to stop sucking her thumb by mixing something bad tasting into nail polish that is placed on her thumbnail, don't use a common spice that will be in her food for the rest of her life. Unless you want to be a dick, in which case, go for it.


  1. Wow, that sucks, but that is so incredibly genius. Couldn't get away with that today anyway. Some wimpy lawyer would call it "child abuse" or something.

  2. Only it never worked to stop making me suck my thumb... so, not all that genius.

  3. Dude. Better to just tape your fingers together. You could have at least pretended to be a penguin then!

  4. You probably have pretty conflicted feelings about this then:

  5. I have no problem w/ my kids thumb-sucking. it will stop when it stops...usually due to peer pressure...and if not, oh well. I think it's cute. :)

  6. @Kim, They did that too, and socks on my hands, and yelling at me and calling me names, etc... all of which had the magic effect of making me need comfort which drove me to suck my thumb. =P

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. @Chen -White pepper is great. And it tricks people into thinking I actually use pepper in my cooking. I like it because it doesn't have the same flavor of meanness and torture.

  9. Black pepper overwhelms the taste of whatever food you're eating. So if I don't like the food, I'm all about it. But something that tastes good, like mashed potatoes or eggs? Um, no thanks. Stop ruining my food, black pepper.

  10. Oh, I had to see this the second time to notice the Pepper Face.

  11. To stop me from sucking my thumb my dad would soak my fingers in lemon juice, this back fired when I began dipping all of my food in lemon juice because I had grown to like it. I still dip my PB&J in lemon.

  12. i like and agree with what lil said - kids will stop sucking their thumb when they're ready, and trying to force them to stop seems a little cruel. :( of course, i don't remember my parents trying to stop me from doing that when i was little, tho they might've & i've forgotten. heh.


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