Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools!

I hate practical jokes and as a result, I am not terribly fond of April Fool's Day. For the most part, I don't want to lie to people or trick them and make them feel stupid, because I am a wiener who is too sensitive according to my family members, but I do like to act like an idiot so here is my favorite April Fool's activity.
It works quite nicely on Facebook. It goes like this:

Friend: Had a bagel with cream cheese for breakfast. NOM!
Me: HAHA, VERY FUNNY! April fool's right?! YOU GOT ME! Good one!

The secret is to pick something that in no way, at all, could be meant as an April fool's joke. Something bland and innocuous and tada, instant hilarity!

Note-This is not appropriate for announcements of deaths, really. My family, thankfully, was wise enough to hold off on telling us that my grandma died last year on April 1st, because they are all a bunch of jokers (hence why I am probably averse to being tricked) and I totally wouldn't have believed them.


  1. The footnote is good advice. Unless that's an April Fool's joke too...

    This is why I hate holidays.

  2. I hate holidays as well. sheesh, I don't dress in green, buy valentines, and I don't play tricks.... wonder what other holidays I can boycott.

  3. Boycott all of them!! That's what I say.

  4. No, no! I like holidays, I just don't like being mean to people.

  5. I am thwarted time and again by the fact I forget it's April 1st every year XD


  6. I figure that those that are fools on April 1st really are fools year round so why not pick a day where the calendar isn't warning them that they are going to get fooled?? I'm just sayin;-)

  7. Haha good post!

    My mom told me this morning that she had planned a family trip for next October. I told her I didn't appreciate her assuming I would be interested and taking away my one break from grad school. She said April Fools. I felt like an @$$. Whoops.

  8. Hi, Cheeseblarg. (Should I call you that?)

    I love laughing and making fun of people and I totally thrive on that area. However, I don't like April Fools' Day. Today, a lot of people were supposedly born on this day. There were many incidents of pregnancy and hospitalization.

    I just ignored these clowns cos a hater is what I am.

    I like your illustrations, by the way!

    *** No "April Fools!" greeting was found at the end of this comment.

  9. I very much like your style! ;)

  10. My favorite "April Fools joke not exactly on the first" was to call my mother in an eXciTeD voice and tell her, "Mom! The United States set off a nuclear bomb in (quietly)New (now back to loud) MEXICO!!!!"
    She said, "When ,,, Where?!?!?"
    And I said "New MEXICO, (lower volume) 63 years ago (higher volume) TODAY!"
    She said, "What?!?!?, TODAY?!?!?, just now?!?!?"
    Me: "No, 63 years ago on today's date"
    She said "In NEW Mexico?!?!?"
    Me: "Yes, at Alamagordo"
    Then she laughed ....

  11. Hahahaha great idea! I think I'll try it :)

  12. Hahaha! =)
    Super post! =)

    Post by

  13. I'm so glad I'm not the only one that hates this ridiculous holiday!

  14. Definitely my least favorite day today. I'm so gullible and will fall for anything so all those jokesters take advantage of me :( Makes me want to punch babies.

  15. yea well check out my april fools joke gone wrong on my blog.

  16. i really like this blog following since i laughed for days looking through ur posts

  17. My brother last year convinced me he had been pulled over, caught with drugs, and needed someone to bail him out of jail. I was half way there when he yelled April Fools!... The jerk. I agree with you. I am not fond of this holiday!

  18. Unfortunately, I posted a plea for online votes to my facebook page on April 1st. It didn’t even occur to me it was April Fool’s Day. I hardly netted any votes. When I asked everyone why they didn’t vote they said they thought I was a joke.

  19. I'm not a huge fan of April Fools either. My family over does the whole thing. Every year.

    So I just decided to do the take the bag out of two cereal boxes and switch them.

  20. Aha that is hilarious. I am not one for April Fool's either. It drives me crazy! But I love that - I am sooo doing that next year!!!

  21. Nice to see I'm not the only one who isn't in to April Fools' Day! Great posts, by the way. I am thoroughly enjoying reading through them. Please - keep making me laugh!

  22. haha i will try this next year, great illustrations by the way

  23. I've always wanted to play jokes on people on April Fools' Day, but the best I wver came up with was waking my mum up to present her with a cling film (cellophane?) wrapped Jaffa Cake. Totally not what we eat for breakfast, and therefore really obvious... Conversely, my dad often gets me when I'm mostly asleep, but just aware enough of my surroundings to look at a picture of some totally AWESOME gadget that my dad is showing me. I then want it so much that when I wake up I do extensive internet research on it. Of course, I then discover that the dream recorder (put it on your eyes when you sleep and it records your dreams) is imaginary. :-( But still, I was well and truly fooled :-)


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