Saturday, April 30, 2011


I've lost my sense of taste.  I noticed yesterday morning that "the best strawberry preserves in the world" that I had on my leftover matzo tasted, well, fairly crappy.  All day, everything tasted blah and it was making me pretty grumpy.  And then, I realized, while it is barely there, I seem to have lost my ability to taste sweet.  And now it is branching out to more flavors... I think umami might be going too.

I suppose it is also possible that it is not lost, but was actually stolen... though I have no idea what someone would want with my sense of taste, unless they lost THEIR sense of taste and were looking to replace it, knowing what good taste I have.

(On a serious note, for those who worry- I am fairly certain it is either a side effect of one of my medicines, or a new migraine symptom... if it continues, I shall talk to my doctor, scout's honor. I hope it passes quickly though, I have lots of Easter candy to consume and I would like to taste it.)


  1. How strange...just out of the blue like that? Nothing was tasting funny or anything before then?

    Are your detecting days over? Are you resorting to the "missing poster?"

  2. I had some weird symptoms like that when I was on Topomax for migraines. Sucky for sure. Hope your sense of taste is found/returned to you soon.

  3. Is your nose stuffy at all? I can't taste anything when I get congested. It drives me crazy!

  4. are you telling me there are gustatory thieves lurking about?! D:<

    The only times when I've lost my taste are after I burn my tongue on something really hot. I absolutely love being able to taste my food so I can imagine the frustration you're probably going through!


  5. oh no, not the taste buds!! i'll let you know if i see them.

  6. I think my youngest son took it, because he had him self a hearty cup of Bacon this morning!

  7. that is so sad... i love food and can't imagine not being able to taste it :(

  8. Bacon!!! We should all celebrate when you get your taste back with a giant cup of bacon (not coffee, ew)

  9. Speaking as someone who loves taste ( I'll keep my fingers, toes and eyes crossed for you finding it soon x

  10. Exactly what Joanna said - I lost my sense of taste, especially for sweet / starchy foods, while I was taking Topomax. If you're taking anything like that, it's a fairly common side effect.

  11. I get bad migrains too. Never had my taste lost, but I do lose vision.

  12. Mmmm, that is an intersting one!

    I am a new follower from Australia.

    We just had a great show about Heston Bleumenfeld(spelling?)looking at British Airways food taste- maybe there is something to go on there!

    Please drop by our blog when you have a moment too!

  13. I lost my sense of taste for a few months during 2 of my pregnancies. When I got it back the first time, I was eating a hamburger and was overjoyed that I could taste the onions. Then I remembered I hate onions.

  14. Not that I'm not concerned with your missing taste buds and I will send them directly to you if I should come across them... But I totally dig the drawings! :)

  15. I have always wondered how things taste when you lose your taste buds, but cardboard just doesn't sound like any fun. I hope you find those suckers soon!


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