Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I do have a magnetic personality!

I have a lot of problems with those fuzzy captchas that are quite popular on website these days. It is so difficult for me to read them, every time I encounter one, I become anxious and worried that I might actually be a spam robot without being aware.


  1. WTF is that first letter? Or is that the word not rotated 180 degrees?

  2. JRose, are you the last remaining #7 Cylon?

  3. You might be a terminator...or the beginnings of the Cybermen.

  4. At least your captcha's like you! Did you see mine?

    FYI, if you really want to freak yourself out, click the link for the audio captcha next time ;)

  5. so were you supposed to type "ton" or "not"?

  6. It always takes me at least three tries with those things, and then I feel like a total idiot for the rest of the day.

  7. I hate those things. I post links to my blog on facebook and every single time I have to type in one of these thingies. It's such a pain because I have to scroll through the options until I can find one I can read.

  8. i can't wait for the day one of those things spells out a dirty word...like crevasse! i know it's happened already, but not to me :(

  9. Truer words were never written! I always think if I get it wrong my computer will shut down and the FBI will show up at my door!

  10. I hate them too. I'm always getting them wrong! Then I often have to retype the rest. I make sure I don't have one of them on my own blog. It is too annoying for people! :P

  11. I often have to have them give me a new one several times before I get one I can guess at.

  12. I can never read those things. Sometimes, the captchas stonewall me from doing anything. I think I might actually be a robot, too. I tried to use the audio version, but of course it never works, so apparently I'm a deaf, blind robot.

  13. I'm pretty sure thats not really a word...

    unless its "not sedstong" in which case, it still isnt a word.


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