Sunday, September 25, 2011

When Cars Attack

There are some things in life that you are supposed to be able to navigate easily as an adult, and dealing with a minor traffic accident apparently is one of those things.  Not having been in any traffic collisions, until Friday, I realize I have been woefully unprepared for what the quack you are supposed to do when someone backs into your car while you are happily coming about in a parking lot.

How it should happen:

How it apparently really happens when you have no clue what is supposed to happen:


  1. What a drag!
    I am sorry that happened to you.
    That cop looks so cheery, though.
    So helpful.

  2. Agh! Car accidents are always much more complicated than they should be. T_T I'm glad you are doing okay though! I love your comics :)


  3. sorry about the car, but hey - cheesy pouffs make everything better!!!!

  4. The cop looks like a hand puppet. That's kinda awesome lol.

    I'm sorry about your accident. I've been in a few myself, they're enormously stressful.

  5. If you didn't have an accident and this was all just acting, I am impressed.

  6. just like what happened to my mom, and she's eating cheetos right now XD

  7. Go down to DMV and make sure the accident report was actually filed! I had a cop tell me he would file the report after I was rear ended. I found out like two years later that he didn't and I had been driving with a suspended license for a year and no one had told me!DMV was very angry.


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