Friday, March 2, 2012

Operation: Mother May I?

Here I go being political again. If you think that we would be better off if the government controlled the lives of women, reading this will likely piss you right the hell off and your time would be better off spent elsewhere pretending I am just PMSing.

After reading more on proposed contraception bans and comments about how women should be at home taking care of children instead of working so we don't need things like Head Start, the following occurred to me:

I wonder how grating it would be to Republican politicians if hoards of women tweeted them every time we wanted to use our vaginas to see if it was okay with them.

Perhaps having to hear about tampons, and douches, and discharges, and masturbation, and kinky sex, or even conventional vanilla sex within church sanctioned marriages, 24 hours a day, would make them less interested in controlling our junk.

Think this might make a difference? Want to help make a point? Tweet your daily vaginal activities to your favorite Republican on twitter with the hashtag #MotherMayIGOP 

Don't have a republican in mind? 

You can start here:
or do a search for your local GOP representative on the Google.

Don't have a vagina?

Be sure to share this post with your favorite vagina owner.

Disclaimer- One should never wait for a reply from someone to use their vagina. At this point, your vagina is yours and yours alone (unless you have figured some clever way to rent it out or are a conjoined twin)... take advantage of it while you still can!


  1. do you think they'd give me permission to use my diva cup? or is that outside the realm of standard vaginal practices for a conservative politician?

    1. The best way to find out is to ask... a lot... in detail. Perhaps pictures? ;) Heh.

  2. Good ck with the campaign! I'm absolutely horrified by what's been going on south of the border. Have you seen this? It's HILARIOUS:

  3. I hope this catches on! I mostly just want to hear pundits on the news trying to explain it.

  4. Is it just Republicans, or are there misogynist Democrats as well? You Americans are a strange lot. And your politics? Hmm...

    1. There are misogynist Democrats as well. Their main gig is to "save us from ourselves" (re: porn, prostitution, consensual participation in sexual objectification). But the main issue now is the GOP trying to keep us at home barefoot, pregnant, and hating sex.

  5. Quick! I need to borrow someone's vagina, so I can participate!!

  6. long time reader, first time poster saying thank you for being as angry as I am.

  7. I would never stop tweeting... I use my vagina all the time! It's hard not to when it's part of your body. lol I love this idea.

  8. I just shared this post with my favorite vagina owner. Really!

  9. You're my flippin' hero! Also, I'd like to apologize for being all political on the Facebook... sometimes a girl has to school the uninformed privileged males in what's going on. ;)

    1. No apology needed, dear. You saved me the trouble of having to virtually strangle my cousin. =P

  10. I'm doing this. Like now. Even though I'm rarely on twitter.

  11. @Senate_GOPs Man, all this bleeding out of my vagina is going to be awfully inconvenient if I need to get permission to do it #MotherMayIGOP

    My first tweet of the many that are to follow.

  12. Oh my goodness! Love it! Do you think it is important for OB/GYNs to check in as well for some other in depth insights into what vaginas are saying?

  13. Great idea. All I need now is a vagina.

  14. I love this! Sharing on FB, email, and of course Twitter.

  15. Hm. I might have to open a new account for this since I don't think my family and business associates need to know what my hoo ha is up to, but as long as I can remember to do it, I'm in.

  16. I FB this. And I didn't exclude my ultra conservative mother. I just put a warning on it. And yes I'm depressed that anyone on my FB friends list is too conservative to read your blog, but that is their problem, not mine.


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