Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Hanukkah 2013: 7th Night- Doctor Whonukkah- The First

On the seventh night of Hanukkah, your Cheeseblarg gives to you:

A felted dalek of red and green

If you don't watch Doctor Who, you are missing out on a fun sci-fi phenomenon! Also, you are less likely to get my ornaments. =P

Blah blah...comment... win dinoball, etc. 

Again, I can make these 5" tall daleks for Christmas gifts (or late hanukkah gifts, or yule, or any other occasion). $50 dollars shipped in the US. Email me if you're interested.


  1. As a Doctor Who fan I am in awe of your talent!

  2. One of my students (a Sr. in HS) LOVES the Who. . . alas, many of her classmates do not even know the magic. I should direct her your way!

  3. i don't think i possess the words to describe how awesome that drawing is

  4. I am crocheting Daleks galore for everyone I know, but your needle felted one is ridiculously adorable.

  5. Love the dalek menorah, how cool would that be to actually make?!?!

  6. I just watched the latest Doctor Who special and it is hands down my favourite "episode" AND it had the Daleks in it!

  7. Don't think my comment worked...can't remember what I typed. Gin. Love your tree!!


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