Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Non-Famous Twitter Illustrations #2- Platypus Monocle

Now, I know I said that the purpose of NFTI is to illustrate bland posts, but this one was too good and entertaining not to illustrate. And after searching for 'platypus' and finding this, I asked the tweeter if it was original. He assured me it was and let me know that he had posted a list of other scenarios I could illustrate as well, and I might just take him up on it.

Here, from Hunter (@hsqrdcreative) :

"Ok, I get what you're saying but, what if...the platypus had a monocle? Eh?"


  1. My first reaction was: "Schultz!!!"

  2. Then I wonder where his pocket watch is.

  3. What do you call a pair of platypus? And does this one have an astigmatism?


  4. that would be too cute! platypi are ADORABLE.

  5. If the platypus has a monocle, then he'd be poisonous and poor vision in one eye. He'd be the classiest animal to ever be dreamed up while high.

  6. Poor guy can't even reach his eye with those little flippers. What if someone's playing a mean joke on him and he can see just fine? He could get a headache.

  7. I've had trouble finding blogs that entertain me but yours certainly does. I'm a fan.

  8. Still has more personality than that tired old twitter bird...

  9. I did the first time you posted it... thanks. You can stop that now.

  10. Oh, and while I am here stinkin' up the comments, thank you, everyone else for amusing me with your comments. And... some replies.

    @Anonymouse- Clearly, in his pocket.

    @Amanda- there is a surprise amount of references to Perry on twitter, regarding platypuses.

    @Phil Platypuses, or platypode... or Jim and Everett. And I don't rightly know.

    @Kim- You clearly didn't see the rest of the list. ;)

    @Trez, notice the chain he is holding under his flippery paw/armpit. Fear not!

    @FRKMNSTR Thank you! There are 5 months worth of posts for your further amusement!

    @DJ Ain't that the truth! I really ought to be hired to make weird website mascots!

  11. I would dearly love to see a platypus with a monocle. It would probably make my day. Possibly my life.

  12. I'll never trust ANYTHING that sweats milk! Even though their babies are ridiculously adorable. PUGGLES, FTW!

  13. What's to say about the Elephant with the earpiece? Oh bother, the animal kingdom is taking over. *sigh

  14. If the platypus had a monocle, I think he also ought to have a cane and top hat, a la Planter's Peanut guy. I mean, you can't go half-way with class. Balls to the wall, Mr. Classy-pus!

  15. Sorry I don't know how to do the nifty link thing. however I figured that since I got this stuck in my head. everyone else should too!

  16. I think he'd see better, but how's it go when he's swimming, those webbed feet aren't for tap dancing?


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