Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Barbies Vs Monsters

When I was a kid, I thought of everything in terms of Barbies.  That is, I would look at a baked potato container from Wendy's and think OMG, BARBIE HOT TUB! Every piece of plastic junk I came across was re-imagined as some sort of functional piece for my non-existent Barbie Dream House, which I suppose would have been more like a Barbie Squatter Pad, with furniture made out of food containers and product packaging and walls made of record album covers that opened out, or were precariously leaned against each other (no, no, those aren't record covers, those are full-sized wall murals of Prince and Cyndi Lauper!).

Now, I see my nephew doing similar things, but he re-imagines everything as monsters.
At the bank the other day, he warned me that the pneumatic tube carrier that you send your deposits by in those see-through canisters, was actually a monster that likes to eat your money, and it does so by pretending to be the bank tube sucky thing.

Which, I suppose is a pretty ingenious way of getting food, if your preference was money. 

And all the while, I thought it was a Barbie Transporter.


  1. I used to use random shit for my Barbie too. I used a plastic drink cover and a straw for an umbrella for Barbie. I also used to pin her to the wall with thumb tacks, and use the ugliest doll I owned as her tormentor. And I grew up so NORMAL. lol :D

  2. My kid used an old blender box for a barbie condo. Barbie was wise and living below her means.

  3. Must be where your imagination comes from lol. And it must run in the family.

    I always used to think brake lights of other cars at night made faces. Some were happy, some were sad and some were downright frightening.

  4. lol, I had that same Prince album cover up on my bedroom wall.

    I wasn't imaginative enough to construct a pad for Barbie, she was far to busy getting up to all sorts with Ken, and sometimes G.I Joe... and the 'six million dollar man...and...well, you get the picture.

  5. I didn't have any barbies as a kid. But I did have . . . . Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figures!

  6. My Barbies where total squatters and nudist!

    Lucky nephew to have such a talented aunt.

  7. Hahaha this is hilarious, I just had a baked potato from Wendy's the other day and I can totally see it as a hot tub for Barbie. :P

    I used to make clothes for my dolls from pieces of fabric and yarn and random tidbits that I found around the house.



  8. I didn't even know anyplace still had bank tube sucky thingys! I've never seen one in real life!

  9. I used to re-imagine things too, but it was always for my American Girl dolls rather than Barbies. I see faces in things too. Like houses. My sister and I are always going "look! A face house!" when we see a house with windows that look like a face. We're dorks.

  10. gotta love that kid. He has it all figured out.

  11. If you combine your nephew's concept with your concept, you get my dream machine: a Barbie-Eating Pneumatic Tube Monster!

  12. bahahahah I used to do this too. how many barbie tables did you have from the pizza hut delivery box plastic thingy!?!?


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