Thursday, November 17, 2011

Where he at?

Writing everyday is actually quite hard.  I mean, being funny everyday is hard when being funny includes drawing pictures.  Thankfully, I amuse myself and my standards are lower than everyone else's. Anyway, you can thank Mary for getting this stuck in my head, and now for getting it stuck in your head too.

And if you want to make writing easier for me, you can by encouraging me with comments, likes, and sharing my posts. And thank you to everyone who does.  You're more awesome than popsicles and platypuses.


  1. 私はアレルギーがあってピーナッツが食べられません

  2. @Kelly, you have a peanut allergy too?

  3. Hahahhaha I didn't know that's the thyme they meant. Guess I've been making sandwiches wrong all this time. Don't tell my Boyfriend.

  4. Hahahahaha oh man. That is the worst to get in your head because if you mutter it under your breath anywhere in public you'll totally get your ass beaten. Love the pictures.

  5. I couldn't make it through the whole 1:47 of the video. Your version is much better!

  6. I was confused greatly when I first saw this without any comments available. But then later when I read someone's comment that mentioned the video, and saw the tiny blue link "this" which I missed the first time. Unlike Jennifer, I forced myself to watch the entire video, but it was difficult. Then I noticed that it has played on YouTube 1,244,313 times. Convert 1:46 minute seconds into 1.76 decimal minutes, then multiply that by 1,244,313 = 2,198,286 cyber minutes. If the average person lives 72 years, that would be 37,869,120 minutes, so thank goodness a "cyber lifetime" has not been wasted watching this video. Just a small cyber child's worth of time. I have not officially had breakfast yet, so hopefooly my math is correct.

  7. I'm certainly appreciating seeing more of your schit.

  8. You're my hero. You're always randomly funny and have loads of fans. How did you do it? Seriously, which pills do I take? I can't take it anymore.


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