Wednesday, April 4, 2012

2nd Annual Cheeseblarg Peeps Diorama Challenge- VIDEO GAMES!

Last year was our first Annual Peeps Diorama Challenge here at da Cheeseblarg.  Unlike normal Peeps contests, this one is judged well AFTER Easter so that we can all take advantage of half-priced candy, which is a long-held Jewish tradition (in my household, at least).

This year, we continue that tradition with:

Your challenge, should you choose to accept it (and you should), is to create a diorama (aka a miniature scene) depicting the VIDEO GAME of your choice utilizing Marshmallow Peeps (of any sort). Upload your creation to Cheeseblarg's facebook page or send it to me on twitter OR place a link to your blog (with your entry) in the comments. 

You have until April 22nd at which time, the AWESOME nerd band from Oklahoma,  Dr. Pants (as seen in The Bloggess' bathroom), will be judging your entries and picking the winner.

What does the winner get?! Well, at this point, they get a used DVD copy of Pinata: Survival Island and some dryer lint, but I have and will continue to look for better prizes.* BUT beyond that, you also get your artistry judged by awesome people and all entries will be displayed here on the blarg and on Pinterest.

Examples from last year's contest:

by Kimberly Bowers
By Rhea Blackthorne
by Me!

*If you have any video game related prizes or gift cards that you are willing and able to donate to the cause, please let me know. I will plug the hell out of you for helping. Thanks!


  1. I love this! I'll be entering.

    1. Hooray! I will be too, only my entries don't count.

  2. I wanna, but I don't have ready (well, ANY) access to Peeps...

    1. Other Peep-like confections are acceptable. They really ought to sell friggen Peeps in the UK though, damn it!

    2. Also... I wonder if these are ship-able to the UK?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Oooh! I shall have to see if I can find a Peep-stitute. It doesn't say they aren't, but does say it could take 8-12 weeks due to customs

  3. I'm coercing my husband into doing this with me! I know he'll have fun!

  4. Hahha very cool. Can't wait to see the contest entries!

  5. fun! you are so creative!


  6. Oh, well, CRAP. I used peeps in the pictures that I took for tomorrow's post, and they got kind of dirty, so I just threw them away. How come I didn't read this post BEFORE I tied up the trash bags? (And before you tell me to fish them out of the trash, I also cleaned up the dog poop in the yard for the first time in months. So yeah...not gonna happen.)

    Now I guess I have to go buy more peeps.


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