Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Cheeseblarg's Anti-Upskirt Undies!

I came up with the perfect solution to Massachusetts' "Upskirt" problem.

Cheeseblarg's Anti-upskirt Undies feature a copyrighted image on the crotch of your panties and comes in
many different designs. Anytime these images are uploaded to the internet, Cheeseblarg will sue the upskirt uploader on your behalf to keep your undies off the internet!

* Two Can Play At This Game can be fitted in a tiny spy cam to see who is spying on your stuff.

If your government won't protect your undies from perverts, Cheeseblarg will protect them from copyright violations!


  1. Oh my god, I'm dying. Brilliant.

  2. You should be a lawyer (I hope you didn't find that insulting, sorry)

  3. This is genius. I still can't believe that somehow it's not an invasion of privacy because it's in public. :| My crotch is very private - even when it's on public transit.

  4. ha!!!!!! the pissed off pus is my fave!


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